b'CompressorsDrr Dental Cattani Tornado AC100 / AC100Q The Tornado is one of the quietest compressors in dentistry,The AC100 Compressor is oil-free and has a desiccant drying systemyet it is still very powerful.to ensure the delivery of clean, dry air. It is supplied with a high quality SMC pressure regulator. Available for up to 6 surgeries Dryer and Noise reducing cover upgradesSingle surgeryDryer and Noise reducing cover upgradesDU2003E Tornado 1 with Dryer and Noise Reducing Hood RRP 2,840.00 SPS 2,270.00 CA2100E AC100 with Dryer RRP 2,099.00 SPS 1,785.00DU2100E Tornado 2 Compressor RRP 2,440.00 SPS 1,950.00 CA2101E AC100Q with Dryer and Noise Reducing Hood RRP 3,586.00 SPS 3,050.00DU2200E Tornado 4 with Membrane Dryer RRP 4,970.00 SPS 3,980.00Ekom AC200 / AC200QThe AC200 compressor is an oil-less compressor that comes with a DK50 five year manufacturer guarantee (subject to terms and conditions of servicing schedule). DK50 is a source of clean, pressed, oil-free air, designed for dental appliances and equipment.Air produced by oil-free compressor Two Surgeryprovides a higher degree of hygiene.Dryer and Noise reducing cover upgradesCA2200E AC200 with Dryer RRP 3,649.00 SPS 2,920.00 DK50 2V/50S includes soundproofing box CA2201E AC200Q with Dryer and Noise Reducing Hood RRP 4,325.00 SPS 3,460.00 DK50 2V/50/M includes membrane dryer DK50 2V/50S/M includes soundproofing boxand membrane dryerAC300 / AC300Q The AC300 compressor is oil-free and can efficiently run EK1000E DK50 Plus (1 Surgery)RRP 1,400.00 SPS 1,120.00multiple surgeries.EK1100EDK50 2V (2-3 Surgery) RRP 2,117.00 SPS 1,695.00EK1101E DK50 2V M with Dryer (2-3 Surgery) RRP 3,460.00 SPS 2,770.00Three Surgery EK1200EDK50 2V/50 (4 Surgery) RRP 2,348.00 SPS 1,880.00Dryer and Noise reducing cover upgradesDid you know that SPS offers in-depth servicing ofCA2300E AC300 with Dryer RRP 4,171.00 SPS 3,335.00Compressors, Suction systems, X-rays and more? CA2301E AC300Q with Dryer and Noise Reducing Hood RRP 5,406.50 SPS 4,325.00Click here to see our service catalogue6 01279
[email protected] All prices are subject to cha nge. All prices are subject) www.spsdental.co.uk 7to VAT. Includes installation* (see terms and conditions'